The formula 1 driver section allows you to select your favorite F1 driver and view different breakdowns on their career F1 points, team battle statistics, race by race breakdown, how they performed for specific constructors and general career statistics. Here you will find the F1 statistics for Jack Fairman in full.

Jack Fairman - F1 driver
gb.webpJack Fairman
Starts: 12
World championships: 0
World championships (under selected PSS): 0
Wins: 0
Podiums: 0
Fastest laps: 0
Poles: 0
Country: United Kingdom
Date of birth: 15/03/1913
Wikipedia: Jack Fairman

All time driver rank for Jack Fairman per points scoring system
*click rank or points for career GP breakdown of Jack Fairman.

Career stats for Jack Fairman

Fastest laps0-
Total GPs12299
Average wins / GP0-
Average podiums / GP0-
Times world champion0-
Best position in a GP4 -
Hattricks0 -
Best position in a season6 (1956) -
Driver in current seasonno -
First season of driver1953 -
Last season of driver1961 -
Number of seasons7116

Career team battles for Jack Fairman

Career team battle for Jack Fairman (includes partial season battles)
TypePosition in GPTeammates (position)Points in GPTeammates (points)
Wins211x - Duncan Hamilton 1953 (+1)
1x - Lance Macklin 1953 (+1)
1x - Johnny Claes 1953 (+1)
1x - Roy Salvadori 1953 (+1)
1x - Kenneth McAlpine 1953 (+1)
1x - Archie Scott-Brown 1956 (+1)
1x - Desmond Titterington 1956 (+1)
2x - Les Leston 1956 (+1), 1957 (+1)
1x - Ron Flockhart 1958 (+1)
1x - Tom Bridger 1958 (+1)
1x - Francois Picard 1958 (+1)
1x - Andre Guelfi 1958 (+1)
1x - Robert La Caze 1958 (+1)
1x - Mike Taylor 1959 (+1)
1x - Hans Herrmann 1959 (+1)
1x - Keith Greene 1960 (+1)
1x - Jack Brabham 1958 (+1)
1x - Bruce McLaren 1958 (+1)
1x - Maurice Trintignant 1958 (+1)
1x - John Surtees 1961 (+1)
111x - Les Leston 1956 (+20 points)
1x - Archie Scott-Brown 1956 (+12 points)
1x - Desmond Titterington 1956 (+12 points)
1x - Ron Flockhart 1958 (+8 points)
1x - Tom Bridger 1958 (+8 points)
1x - Francois Picard 1958 (+8 points)
1x - Andre Guelfi 1958 (+8 points)
1x - Robert La Caze 1958 (+8 points)
1x - Bruce McLaren 1958 (+8 points)
1x - Jack Brabham 1958 (+8 points)
1x - Maurice Trintignant 1958 (+8 points)
Draws11x - Ian Burgess 1959251x - Chuck Daigh 1960
1x - Colin Davis 1959
1x - Duncan Hamilton 1953
1x - Gino Munaron 1960
1x - Giorgio Scarlatti 1959
1x - Hans Herrmann 1959
1x - Henry Taylor 1959
2x - Ian Burgess 1959, 1960
2x - Ivor Bueb 1958, 1959
1x - Jack Brabham 1961
1x - John Surtees 1961
1x - Johnny Claes 1953
1x - Keith Greene 1960
1x - Kenneth McAlpine 1953
1x - Lance Macklin 1953
1x - Les Leston 1957
1x - Lucien Bianchi 1960
1x - Masten Gregory 1960
1x - Mike Taylor 1959
1x - Peter Ashdown 1959
1x - Peter Collins 1953
1x - Renato Pirocchi 1961
1x - Roy Salvadori 1953
Losses321x - Ron Flockhart 1956 (-1)
1x - Peter Collins 1953 (-1)
2x - Ivor Bueb 1958 (-1), 1959 (-1)
2x - Roy Salvadori 1958 (-1), 1961 (-1)
3x - Jack Brabham 1959 (-2), 1960 (-1), 1961 (-1)
1x - Stirling Moss 1959 (-1)
1x - Colin Davis 1959 (-1)
1x - Giorgio Scarlatti 1959 (-1)
2x - Masten Gregory 1959 (-1), 1960 (-1)
1x - Chris Bristow 1959 (-1)
2x - Henry Taylor 1959 (-1), 1960 (-1)
1x - Peter Ashdown 1959 (-1)
3x - Bruce McLaren 1959 (-2), 1960 (-1), 1961 (-1)
2x - Maurice Trintignant 1959 (-2), 1961 (-1)
1x - Chuck Daigh 1960 (-1)
1x - Lucien Bianchi 1960 (-1)
1x - Olivier Gendebien 1960 (-1)
1x - Ian Burgess 1960 (-1)
1x - Gino Munaron 1960 (-1)
1x - Tony Brooks 1960 (-1)
1x - Jackie Lewis 1961 (-1)
1x - Lorenzo Bandini 1961 (-1)
1x - Renato Pirocchi 1961 (-1)
181x - Ron Flockhart 1956 (-10 points)
2x - Roy Salvadori 1958 (-4 points), 1961 (-8 points)
1x - Chris Bristow 1959 (-1 points)
1x - Stirling Moss 1959 (-25 points)
3x - Bruce McLaren 1959 (-15 points), 1960 (-12 points), 1961 (-15 points)
2x - Maurice Trintignant 1959 (-12 points), 1961 (-2 points)
2x - Jack Brabham 1959 (-40 points), 1960 (-25 points)
1x - Masten Gregory 1959 (-6 points)
1x - Tony Brooks 1960 (-10 points)
1x - Olivier Gendebien 1960 (-2 points)
1x - Henry Taylor 1960 (-4 points)
1x - Lorenzo Bandini 1961 (-4 points)
1x - Jackie Lewis 1961 (-12 points)

Season overview for Jack Fairman
SeasonTeamGrand prixPointsPositionWinsPodiumsFastest laps

Teams for which Jack Fairman has competed
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For the selected driver an overview is provided of his F1 career statistics:
  • On top the main statistics are provided next to the picture of the driver and some bio details.
  • The career points progression overview shows the cumulative points achieved by the driver in his career over seasons.
  • The points per season overview provides the points achieved per season based on the selected points scoring system including end position based on selected PSS.
  • The all time driver rank table shows the number of F1 points and rank under each points scoring system, as well as the average points per grand prix (and overall rank betweeen brackets).
  • The pie charts provides a visual overview of wins, podiums and non-podiums finishes.
  • The table 'number of times position x achieved in a GP' provides a overview of the career position achievements of the selected F1 driver.
  • The teambattles piechart provides a view on wins/draws/losses team battles in the F1 driver's career. In the table below you can find the details on which drivers make up this pie chart. All both in term of points and positions.
  • The teams tables provides the teams / constructors for which this driver has competed. Click on the team to see more details.
  • At the bottom three tables (if applicable for the selected driver) with an overview of F1 wins, fastest laps and championships.
Date last modified: 2024-04-29 23:03:37 - 2 days ago



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